Your individual medical program at Breidenbacher Hof Dusseldorf
One can argue, what does a person consist of more - matter or emotion? Ideally, when both are in harmony.
In the proposed package we combine a compact, but extensive and thorough medical examination (Check Up) of your body and a stay in one of the most prestigious luxury hotels in Europe.
The examination is carried out by internationally renown experts in exclusive private clinics that are partly located in the same building. The other leading clinics are located in close proximity.
Hotel Breidenbaher Hof was rebuilt in 2008 and has more than 200 years of tradition. Without a doubt, it is the best hotel in Düsseldorf, one of the most exclusive homes in Germany, and is located in the center of the town, just at the junction of the elegant Königsallee and the «opera» Heinrich-Heine-alley leading to the Old Town.
Your personal check-up includes:
1. Cardiological examination: functional diagnostics, continuous monitoring of ECG and blood pressure, heart rate control, valve and pump functions, the study of the great vessels and lung function.
Your doctor, Prof. Dr. Med. Dietrich Baumgart, is an author of popular books on healthy living and sports.
2. Gastroenterological screening: colonoscopy and gastroscopy (gentle and fast-acting anesthesia eliminates sensitivity), fibroscan of liver, sonography.
Your doctor, Dr. Med. Stefan Maus, is an author of many works on Hepatology, a renowned scholar, and the head of a research center.
3. Orthopedic examination: : 3-dimensional body measurement, analysis of joint function and ultrasound are used to determine irregularities in the position of the body, detecting deterioration of the joints and inflammation.
Your doctors, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Med. Axel Baltzer and Dr. Med. Marcus Granrath, are leading experts of the Center of Molecular Orthopedics, a world-renowned clinic for the treatment of diseases of the joints.
4. Radiological examination: MRI of the skull, abdomen and thorax (during a single scan a fine-grained control on any possible changes that can cause disease can be achieved without harmful radiation).
Your doctor, Dr. Med. Stefan Dammert, is a leading radiologist at the Center for Molecular Orthopedics.
5. Laboratory studies: comprehensive laboratory analysis can test the most important functions of the body: the immune system, allergic reactions or the metabolism. Using a variety of research methods we can detect many disorders or diseases, like cancer, in its earliest stages. Some analysis even allows you to make predictions about your possible health hazards.
Your doctor, Dr. Vladimir Miasnikov, the director of “Doctor Germany“, is the head of a medical prophylactic center of Dusseldorf.
Each examination begins and ends with a detailed discussion with your doctor. Upon completion, the patient is offered an individual report. This "Book about You" is the result of all your medical examinations. All diagnoses and therapeutic recommendations from your doctors are structured and consolidated in a single collection of documents.
In the first three pages of the report, your health care provider at home will be able to find all the necessary information required for further treatment.
The examination results are saved by our doctors in a digital form and if necessary can be sent to anywhere in the world at short notice. It is available to the patient to review the documentation of the examination at any time and since the patient is not familiar with medical terms, many of the concepts are specified in parentheses.
At any time, you can discuss the results of your examination with a our doctor. During your stay, our patients will be allocated a personal assistant who will accompany them on doctor visits, will help with shopping and will let you know how to best spend your free time.
The general medical examination takes about 3 working days; the cost is 11.800 EUR, including hotel accommodation at Braydenbaher Hof. Of course, the individual Check-Up program may be modified or expanded as desired.
Your exclusive benefits: Your examination is carried out by internationally renown experts with the use of the most modern and advanced equipment;
your Check-Up report will allow your doctor to quickly familiarize him or herself with its contents and structured information for further monitoring or treatment;
the 10-year digitalized information storage can be forwarded anywhere around the world if necessary;
the supply of medication from Germany;
the clinic is within the hotel, which is located in the center of the city and is only a 15 minutes drive from the airport with direct flights to Moscow and many other cities of the CIS;
VIP services are available at the airport and there is a separate terminal for private aircraft;
personal assistant, cultural programs, shopping at your own level;
competence and one hundred percent confidentiality.
Your program is carried out by Doctor Germany, since 1991 one of the leading firms in Düsseldorf for the organization of medical treatment abroad.
For detailed information regarding the examination you can reach us by calling by phone +49-211-69-111-56, by mobile phone +49-172-373-80-09 or contact us by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Additional Information
Check-Up Service Packages
Contact Information
Schadowstr. 64
40212 Düsseldorf, Germany
Natalya Dyachenko
Deputy Director
Phone: +49 162 4413400
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.