Of particular relevance to the quality and requires a special service.

Sometimes the nuances of health will be so individual or complicated that even a professional translator will not able to convey all of the subtleties that the patient tells them to the specialist. So a literal translation may not convey a meaning one to one. Sometimes you just need a doctor, speaking and thinking in the language of the patient in order to convey their needs or to help them make a decision for the course of their examination.

miasnikov-beratungVIP-class service gives you this opportunity.

Your treatment is accompanied by the director of our clinic, Dr. Vladimir Miasnikov, who is personally present during all examinations and takes an active part in explaining medical issues, choice of treatment, establishing the need and possible alternatives.

Intensive guardianship directly from our physician significantly contributes to the maximum optimisation of the results of your treatment.

The level of inspection is of Class PREMIUM

Additional service:

At your arrival and in the intervals between examinations, we will arrange your leisure on the most exclusive level

• Organization of charter flights for bargain prices

• Private tours, for example, by helicopter to the Netherlands, etc.

• Personal or Night Shopping on Königsallee and more

• Personal trainer

The details of the package and the possibility of an additional service can be discussed with our administrator.

Natalya Dyachenko

Deputy Director

Phone +49-211-6911156

Handy +49-172-3738-009

Fax +49-211-66-7455

Schadow Str. 71 40212 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49-172-3738-009 Fax +49-211-66-7455