CHECK-UP - recognises the disease before it occurs

A responsible attitude towards your work requires the maximum amount of mental and physical strength. While doing your job you want your body and soul to be in the best possible shape. Therefore, if you understand the importance of time control, health can be the foundation of your success.

Being healthy is the art of constantly working on yourself. Success depends, first of all, on preventing disease, the earliest detection of disorders as possible and treatment.

The medical center Doctor Germany offers you the effective individual program Check-up. This system of examinations includes commonplace methods of research, like a general blood test, ECG or colonoscopy. For only this it would not be necessary to go abroad as such studies are for sure also available in your own country. We try to avoid half-hearted examinations and encourage our patients to supervise all the organ systems of the body. Our Check-up can do a 90% reply to the question: is the patient healthy or not.


Distinctive features of our Check-up, first of all, are the latest methods of laboratory and radiological investigations, which even in Europe are not common technologies. Check-up begins with a thorough conversation with your doctor, which clarifies history and current discomforts. In conclusion, together with your doctor you will be able to choose the best suitable program for your testing.

At the examination, we rely not only on the most advanced laboratory-chemical methods and functional diagnosis but also on technologies that offer genetic, natural and bio-energetic medicine. This means that we do not use harmful radiation or other methods that contain specific risk without any necessity.

Important: all the unpleasant or painful procedures such as a gastro- and colonoscopy are held under short and harmless anesthesia.


Duration of examinationDuration of examination

To carry out Check Up we need between one to five business days. Additional tests in clinics may take some time.


Total costTotal cost

The total cost of Check Up depends on your individual program level selected by professionals of the various kinds of examinations and can range from 1,500 to 38,000 euros.


Range of choicesRange of choices

The complexity of the treatment offered by most non-professional intermediators is only the first step of our abilities. Doctor Germany’s check-up offers you four classes, of the program which gives you the freedom to choose the most suitable one to your needs and abilities.

Download the PDF document: Prices for the individual service check-up.


Check-up programs of service class  SELECT and PREMIUM differ significantly in their depth and range of research from programs of service class STANDARD and enable a thorough examination of the body followed by recommendations and the assignment of a systematic treatment.

PREMIUM or SELECT check-up consist of mandatory basic block examinations and optional studies that you can discuss with your doctor or choose yourself. The difference in the class of service between PREMIUM and SELECT is in the professional level only.

In service class SELECT specialists in hospitals or private practices conduct your examination. Without a doubt, these doctors are carefully selected by us and professionally meet all accepted high standards in Germany.

In service class PREMIUM your doctors are experts in their field, professors, leading experts, authorities at national or international levels. You can also choose a hybrid option, of choosing the specialists of different levels (this examination form we refer to as the SIMBIO Check-up).

An additional advantage of service class PREMIUM: throughout the examination doctor Miasnikov will be in touch with the doctors examining you, coordinating and adapting the program according to the incoming up-to-date results.

The maximum amount of services offers the service class VIP. Your treatment is accompanied by the director, Vladimir Miasnikov, who is personally present at all examinations and takes an active part in explaining medical issues, choice of treatment, and establishing the needs and possible alternatives.


More complete information for some listed techniques and technologies available on the Internet:

Schadow Str. 71 40212 Düsseldorf Germany Tel. +49-172-3738-009 Fax +49-211-66-7455